Salvation Story

Defenders of Justice

"Today, I am filled with the joy and peace that only He can provide."
Maximiliano H. Franchetti

Lieutenant Maximiliano H. Franchetti  – Des Plaines, IL

My name is Maximiliano “Maxi” Hernan Franchetti. I am originally from Argentina, arrived two years ago in the United States and have a beautiful wife and son.

I’ve had a relatively calm life, without major health or family complications. I was born in a Salvationist home, and, therefore, within the church. My four grandparents were officers in the South America East Territory and my uncle is an officer. My family is very active in the corps in Argentina and I have always been involved in Salvation Army programs.  

I learned to play the cornet there, one of the things that I love the most. I was always physically present, but at the same time I wasn’t there. I completed all the doctrine and membership courses that The Salvation Army has. I know the history and foundations of The Salvation Army well. And yet, knowing everything, I wasn’t present in my mind or heart. 

For a while, I could do this without problems. I became an expert at being in church, complying with everything and to some extent I even began to make sure that others followed church rules. Little by little I was becoming a legalist, with an empty heart and no purpose. I perfectly fulfilled everything the church asked of me, and at the same time, I failed in everything God asked of me. As I grew older, these attitudes became more established, and it came to a point where I only went to church out of habit. I was empty with a full schedule. 

In 2014, I wanted nothing more to do with the church. I was overwhelmed with its activities. Everything was heavy. I was tired. Going out of habit no longer worked. But God had other plans for me, and in February 2014, He spoke directly to me. 

In a devotional at Argentina’s music camp, a question caught my attention. The devotional asked whether I had ever asked God to have a conversation with me instead of just asking for things I thought I needed. If we ask all the time and don’t talk to God, then we won’t be able to understand our purpose. 

This concept hit home in my mind because this was exactly what I felt. I was just there out of habit. I had no purpose. In that moment, the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to His truth. 

God spoke to me and helped me understand that He had to be the purpose of my life and that He already had plans thought out for me, better plans than my “perfect” life. I left that music camp refreshed, physically exhausted, but with a brand new strength of spirit. For the first time, I felt the Holy Spirit in me. 

After this point, I never felt tired or sloppy like before. Now everything made sense, everything fit into a better plan. Little by little God revealed His plan to me. I was spiritually immature, so God had to be very patient with me. In 2021, He presented me with the call to be a full-time officer. I had never considered it, and in the beginning I was hesitant. It felt a step too big for me and my family. However, trusting in Him, I decided to walk by His side in the path He planned for me. 

I never thought I would be an officer in The Salvation Army. That was not in my plans, but it was God’s plan. As Isaiah 41:9 NIV says, “I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, ‘You are my servant’; I have chosen you and have not rejected you.” He took me, He called me and made me His servant, and I hope to be able to faithfully fulfill His call.

LIEUTENANT Criselda DeLeon – Brooksville, FL

Reflecting on my faith journey, I am filled with joy in declaring that I am no longer a slave to fear—I am a child of God.

Even during my darkest moments, God remained faithful, never abandoning me. Sharing my testimony has become a central part of who I am, and I am never afraid to do so. I’ve moved beyond simply saying, “I’ll pray for you” and walking away; now, I pray with anyone, anytime, and anywhere. Prayer sustains me, and God has called me to lead others to Jesus, making their salvation my primary purpose. He has guided me with clarity, shaping my life and relationships in ways I could never have imagined.

My story began in brokenness, darkness, addiction, and abuse, but God transformed it into a testimony of restoration and victory in Jesus Christ. Growing up in a loving Catholic household, I was taught about God and spent a lot of time in church. However, I didn’t have a personal relationship with Him. As a teen, I began numbing my pain with drugs and alcohol, which led me further down a destructive path.

A significant turning point came on December 26, 2015, when I was involved in a horrific car accident after a day of drinking and drugs. Despite the severity of the accident, it wasn’t the moment that changed me. It wasn’t until April 1, 2016 that I was arrested for the last time, beginning my journey toward true transformation. After nine more months of darkness and struggle, I finally went to detox and gave up alcohol for good on November 11, 2016.

Through the tough love of my family and the mercy of the court, I was given a chance to start anew. I traveled 1,300 miles to the Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) in Syracuse, New York, where Majors Bob and Gayle Miga welcomed me with open arms. In the chapel of the ARC, I first truly understood that God had a plan for my life. Jeremiah 29:11 became my anchor: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (NIV).

On April 4, 2017, I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior during a Women’s Ministry meeting. The experience was profound—God pierced my heart in such a mighty way that I have never been the same. Six months later, I began soldiership classes, and was enrolled at the Syracuse Citadel Corps on April 22, 2018.

During the 2018 commissioning weekend in Atlanta, I experienced a powerful call from God and responded to an altar call for officership. The fire of the Holy Spirit was intense, solidifying my commitment to serving Him. Returning to New York, I shared my experience with Majors John and Anita Stewart, who encouraged me to stay and consider training. Although I had been revived in the North, my heart belonged in the South, but God continued to prepare me for His work.

The Lord has been continually molding me into an obedient servant in His Salvation Army. I’ve had the honor of opening the first Women’s Adult Rehabilitation Center in Tampa, Florida, and serving side-by-side with Majors John and Kathy Reed. During this time, I’ve witnessed countless men and women accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. I’ve learned that He is the only answer to finding complete freedom from addiction.

After completing a full circle, I returned home for the first time in over four years, serving under Majors Carlyle and Charlotte Gargis at the Fort Myers, Florida Area Command. They guided me into training at the Evangeline Booth College in Atlanta. I remain faithful to God’s calling and carry a deep sense of urgency for the salvation of all.

I am the woman at the well, whom Scripture speaks of in John 4:14: “But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (NIV). For years, I tried to quench the thirst in my soul with the desires of the world, but nothing satisfied me. That fateful day, I met the Savior of the world, and He filled me with living water. Today, I am filled with the joy and peace that only He can provide. To God be the glory!

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